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Zæhringen Attorneys Ltd: Tarkan Göksu
- Prof. Dr. iur.
- Certified Specialiste SBA Law of inheritance
- Bar admission: 2006
- Prof. Dr. Tarkan Göksu speaks German, Turkish, French and English
- Fribourg University Faculty of Law, Ph.D, Dr. iur. (2003)
- Fribourg University Faculty of Law, lic. iur. (2000)
- Legal counsel, Constituant Assembly of Fribourg (2001-2004)
- Clerk , Supreme Court Fribourg (2002-2004)
- Intern, Fribourg Bar Association (2004-2005)
- Public Prosecutor, Fribourg Public Prosecution (2006)
- Legal counsel, Office for Construction and Urban Planning Fribourg (2006-2007)
Other activities
- Lecturer at the University of Fribourg i.Ue. (since 2004)
- Substitute Judge at the Supreme Court Fribourg (since 2007)
- Secretary General, Swiss Turkish Lawyers`and Jurists Association
Preferred activities
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