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Zæhringen Attorneys Ltd: International

Our law firm regularly has to deal with matters that have a transnational impact, and that require specific knowledge of international private law. Due to the evolution of sociery, and its evergrowing internationalisation, it is nowadays not uncommon for a lawsuit to deploy its effets beyond international borders.


Our Law firm is the Swiss member of the BGI GLOBAL international lawyers network. This network ties up more than 100 trained bar specialists across 25 counties on all continents. 

International lawsuits trend to becore more and more complex these past years, and now more than ever require specific knowledge of international law or from the legislation of more than one country. The members of the BGI GLOBAL network, that we know personnally and that we regularly meet for seminars across the glove, are ready to help us or to take charge of your lawsuit, if it happens to move to another country or involves another country.

This collaboration allows us to offer to out clients high quality advice even if the lawsuit involves international matters.

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